There’s a general framework for evaluating the value of a business, but the end result varies around each specific situation. To help you gain further insight into the matter, let’s discuss factors determining business valuation during a divorce in Minnesota. Reasons for a Business Valuation If the parties do not agree upon the value of a… Read more »
My business is being sued, now what? That’s a question no business owner wants to ask, but people sue businesses every day. Regardless of whether the suit is frivolous or well-grounded, small or large, the business owner on the defensive needs to know how to respond without making their position even worse. In short, you need… Read more »
The answer to this question isn’t a clear yes or no, as there are many considerations courts take into account in considering whether to eliminate a spousal maintenance upon retirement. According to Minnesota law, spousal maintenance is characterized as “temporary” or “permanent.” Although the permanent term does not quite mean forever as it sounds. Minnesota statutes provide… Read more »
Divorce is complicated, both legally and financially, and often fueled by a number of conflicting emotions. The situation is made all the more complex when children are involved. Parents are concerned about the effects of the divorce on their children and try their best to limit the impact, but are often confused about their parental… Read more »
One of several methods that some attorneys use to charge clients is a contingency fee. This is an arrangement whereby an attorney only bills a client if the client wins his or her case. In that event, the attorney typically bills the client for a percentage of the moneys awarded. It is common for the… Read more »